Monday, October 28, 2013

Love is always making two cups when you only need one.

And ain't that the truth.  Something that I heard in a speech at a wedding a while back.  
 Here it is with the real life cups; I'm thinking of doing a tea one too for those who prefer tea.  Black, no sugar thanks!

Saturday, October 26, 2013

I'm starting with the man in the mirror

I had a go at drawing a self portrait didn't really turn out looking like me and not just because I don't usually wear a fox around my neck!  But it was fun, back to the drawing board with that one I think!

Friday, October 25, 2013

The cat's pyjamas

A late night drawing that I inked and coloured this afternoon.  I've got this book called Cartoonimals out from the library which is about how to abstract animals into cartoons and I've been practising drawing cartoony cats.  My own cat has to be deeply asleep before I can draw her, otherwise she will attack my pen, but she would look pretty cute in a pair of fishbone pyjamas!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Rabbiting on

I just made this bunny pencil case for a rabbit-loving friend; happy birthday Angeline!
It's lined with a soft greyish wool left over from making these monkeys.
Oh and I've finally joined the world of Instagram; I'm millicentcrow if you'd like to follow along....

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Deck the halls

I've been printing up some bunting to decorate Mr. Millicent Crow's upcoming mammoth album release tour, based on images that I've drawn for the album cover art and associated bits and pieces.  There's a dog, a gramophone, a lyre of Orpheus (based on a brooch Mr. Millicent Crow wears most days) and a pocket watch.  Here it is being tested out at home:
It'll be adorning halls, bars and maritime museums from Auckland to Milford Sound over the next couple of months; tour dates are here if you'd like to come along...

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Say it with flowers

I was running up a street near my house the other day when I found an apology written in daisies in somebody's garden.  It intrigued me...I hope the apology worked!

Friday, October 4, 2013

Monkey see, monkey do

These monkeys are all finished and clothed and getting ready for new homes with some friends' new babies.  At the moment they're pretty inseparable, but soon they'll be off to the post office and one will be off to Dunedin:
And the other one crossing the ditch to Melbourne:
So they're going to have one last cuppa together:
Show off the tail holes in their overalls (one of my favourite parts of the pattern):
And pop off to the post office.
Safe travels little monkeys!

They're from Fiona Dalton's great book Hop Skip Jump: 20 Eco-Friendly Toys to Sew and are the "Monkey Man" pattern, the same as this one.  The wool suiting they're made out of is some that I got in the great "Postal Stash Rehash" and the faces are the last of an old woollen blanket that I've got so much use out of.  Must scour the op shops for another blanket that's seen better days!  And make a monkey to live at my house...I'm thinking black polka dot overalls to match one of my dresses!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Millicent Crow at the Auckland Art & Craft Fair

Just a little note to say that Millicent Crow will be at the Auckland Art and Craft Fair on the 30th of November, hooray!  It's at the Aotea Centre from 11-3, might see you there...

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Monkey business

 I've been monkeying around making a couple more monkeys from Fiona Dalton's Hop Skip Jump book.  Over the weekend I kept finding monkey limbs and tails around the house:
 And monkey faces:
 Which led to the creation of the octomonkey!
Now they're in a much less disembodied state, just waiting for me to make them some trousers!