Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Hula skirts and peacocks

 These colourful hula skirts caught my eye the other day. 
These bluey-greeny ones reminded me of a magazine article I read last week about a designer who grew up in a sprawling mansion in America.  As all good sprawling mansions should, it had a whole lot of peacocks that lived in the garden and, as a child she decided that the inside of the house would look good covered in peacocks.  She enticed them into the house with kibbles and got them to climb up on the furniture; her parents were not impressed!  I can't remember who that was...she did have a caravan with a claw-footed bath in it and a Rolls Royce with flowers painted all over it...anyway the skirts kind of reminded me of peacock tails draped over furniture. 

I wouldn't mind a caravan for an art studio actually...wonder if I could get one with a claw-footed bath?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Emily
    I bought a lovely zine off you this weekend at the Auckland Art and Craft Fair (thanks!) My friend Anne runs her art studio/shop from a caravan - though you might be interested;
    Nicola (:
